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CasteCon23 - San Francisco was a game changer - but what next?

The American Hindu community has spent two years of Community volunteer time to achieve what ? Its time to review what actually happened, to identify the lessons we learned, to understand who were genuine allies and who were the anti-Hindu Hinduphobes.

Join us as we learn the lessons of #SB403 and explore the dangers and trauma which we still have to deal with.

Much has been written and said about the Hindu concept of Varna, much of it by people whose motives were as suspect as their ability ... let's start here ..

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Governor Newsom 'Such discrimination is already covered by Law' so...

.. why didn't ANY of the hundreds of civil public servants who pushed this issue forward notice that it was unnecessary? A denial of due process is at the heart of this issue but standing revealed is a statewide refusal to consult Californians, a refusal to recognise American Hindus as stakeholders, and a refusal to represent the concerns of American Hindus.

When legislators and public servants act against the well being of their constituents and tax-payers, when basic rights and freedoms are compromised on the basis of false data or hate-campaigns, the American people have always stepped up to re-educate those who confuse public service with public control.

California's Hindus came together to unpick and learn about this issue and to share why it affects not only American Hindus but every American and most especially all American Minorities.

If you would like to support us with a small donation - please click here.

The costs of the conference are being borne by a small number of committed Californian Hindu Parents and Employees, if you'd like to send some financial support, it will be much appreciated!

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